From Madrid to Barcelona Trip, Spring 2013

Having traveled for 5 years in group tours around Europe, in March 2013 finally decided to go on an independent trip. I started preparing for the trip simply by opening Google map and drawing this route without going too deep into the road details. At the same time, he allocated five days for Madrid and the surrounding area, two days for Barcelona, and one day for all other cities (read more )
Cartagena, May 07

From Granada to Cartagena by Bus - Cartagena in Early May - Parque Arqueológico Cerro del Molinete - Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Caridad - Palacio Consistorial - Plaza del Puerto de Cartagena - Yacht Port Cartagena - Demonstration Against Rent Increases - Castillo de la Concepción - Paseo Alfonso XII (read more )